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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


My brother came out for a visit and we swapped comics, canned goods and beverages.  I wasn't sure what to expect when my brother recommended Wytches from Image to me. My brother and I are still working on find our common ground in genre.  He likes horror and dark comedy. I like some dark comedy and very little horror. I tend to go for more adventure. I had a little bit of trepidation when it came to picking up his recommend. In the end I didn't have a choice. He brought me a copy and left it in my vicinity and my natural curiosity was awoken.

I know that I have read some comic books by Scott Snyder before, but it has been a while. When it has been a while, you forget how much you enjoy a certain style. Wytches is good, which is much like saying that the sun is hot. The story has interesting dynamics that have to do with the family and human nature while maintaining a horrifying fiendish element.  Without giving away too much as to what is going on in the story is that you can pledge some one and if your pledge is accepted you are granted one wish. Now image if some one close to you has been pledged. Welcome to Wytches. The art works well with the story and gives it a gritty feel when needed.  I am not sure if it is a good thing that my brother recommended the book to me, or if he is trying to tell me I have been pledged.  I am looking forward to the next volume and if I have been pledged I hope I can figure a way out of it before it is too late.