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Thursday, August 6, 2015


When I finish a good book, there is a quick rush of euphoria. It makes me giddy, hyper and feeling like I can take over the world. It energizes me and makes me want to give the characters or author a high five for an awesome experience.  Captain Vimes is one of my favorite characters to pal around with, which made reading Snuff by Terry Pratchett an indulgence of the senses. 

You can take Vimes out of the City but you can’t take the City out of Vimes, which often times leads to unexpected actions and antics. It is really hard to write anything about Snuff at all, without wanting to spill all of its secrets and ruining all of the unexpected chuckles that ambushed me.   Snuff is about vacation, expectations, tobacco, goblins and justice.   It makes me smile when I think about the sort of marriage that is between Sybil and Vimes and how perfectly they complement each other in their imperfections.  

I would not recommend this to be the very first Terry Pratchett book you ever read, because while it is enjoyable on its own, it is that knowledge of the evolution of characters that puts a sparkle in the eye and keeps you flipping the page. 
“The jurisdiction of a good man extends to the end of the world.”
― Terry PratchettSnuff

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