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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Seven Items

A friend of mine recently queried on social media, that if you were stranded on a deserted island, what seven items would you want with you? This is how I know that I over think things, because I needed to have a few thing clarified before I answered.  After all, I would want completely different things, if I were stranded on an island in the Arctic Circle than if I were stranded in the South Pacific. Also, I needed to know if I was allowed to include people in my list, or if it was just me and a bunch of inanimate objects, kind of like movie Cast Away or if I was going to be part of the crew on Gilligan’s Island and the seven item I had, was what I brought for my three hour tour.  Deciding it was probably a little of both, and that I couldn’t wish for people or animals to be with me, here is my list of Seven Items and some of my reasoning.  
1.        First Aid Kit (If I can’t have the whole kit, I would like the Ibuprofen.)
a.       I am delicate and burn in direct sun light. Being on a deserted island is not ideal for someone that has been cross breed with vampires.
b.       I am a klutz. More accurately I don’t always think before I do things, which leads me to injuring myself.
2.       Encyclopedia Britannica (If I can’t have the whole set, then possibly a dictionary.)
a.       I want the whole set of encyclopedias. Not just one or two. If I am going to be on an island, then I will have plenty of time to read. While it won’t be the most exciting read of all time, I will at least learn something.
b.       It will help me identify bugs that I would want to avoid, because there are pictures in an encyclopedia.  I don’t think there will ever be a time that bugs won’t creep me out. 
c.       Fuel. If I were absolutely desperate and could wrap my head around burning a book, then I would have fuel for a fire that is easy to stack, easy to move and easy to keep dry.
3.       Sewing Kit
a.       It doesn’t even have to be a big one, but having a needle and thread will help me make banana leaf skirts in need be, and keep all the fiddly bits from getting burnt.
b.       Embroidered banana leaf skirts could become a real island fashion statement.
c.       What if I needed to give myself stitches?
4.       Rope
a.       I think that this want self-explanatory. I might need to tie stuff up.
b.       Or use it to make a tent out of banana leaves.
c.       I am really banking on banana leaves being on this island, along with bananas.
5.       Knife
a.       Preferably a big knife that is sharp and not a butter knife.
b.       How else am I going to cut down the banana leaves without a knife?
c.       Or gut fish that I am obviously going to catch and live off of?
6.       Tea Set
a.       I am talking cups, saucers and pot.  I may be on an island, but I can at least pretend to be civilized.
b.       What if there was a tea plant on the island? I would be heartbroken if I couldn’t enjoy a nice refreshing cup of fresh brewed all natural tea.
c.  Also, if I am going to give a personality to an object to keep my sanity, I can pretend they are Disney Characters. Beats talking to a volleyball.
7.        Backpack
a.       I need something with pockets for storage.
b.       If I were harvesting banana’s I would like to carry them in a backpack.
c.       The swallows could carry the coconuts.
It was rather tempting to at liquor to the list, but it would be just my luck that I would drink all the rum, and then fall asleep in the sun. Then my allergy to direct sunlight would kick in and I would die from direct sunlight.  I have also determined that if I were any character on Gilligan’s Island, I would probably be The Professor.   

Cam… I hope you are happy, and I finally got around to answering your question in less than six months’ time, and spent way too much time thinking on this.  

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