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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Iron West

I think that my Doug TenNapel collection is growing. I didn’t even know that I had a Doug TenNapel collection, until I started writing this and realized that I have composed several reviews on variety of his works. (Such as Cardboard, Flink & Ghostopolis to name a few of the graphic novels that I have previously sampled.) It seems that the more I read of Doug TenNapel the more I come to adore the way his brain works. 
I have noticed that in his stories that there is a belief in person that somewhere inside them is a good person, and that sometimes good people just make bad decisions. I like that.  Mostly because I want to believe that I am an innately good person that sometimes makes bad decisions. I also want to believe that people can change if they want really want to change. This latest Doug TenNapel find did not disappoint.
Iron West is a graphic novel by Doug TenNapel that highlights that sometimes life will take you on a weird path, but ultimately the path you choose is up to you. This tale of the old west may roam with Indians, Sasquatches, killer robots and the occasional wingless dragon, but overall it drives home that change comes from within.  The art and the characters are so much fun to follow, that by the time you are done with the book you can’t help but smile and marvel at what a good trip it was. 

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