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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Turkey in Mole

Wedding gift 3 years ago!
I am under the belief that almost everything made in a crockpot can be turned into a burrito.  You just have to widen your perspective as to what a burrito can be.  The possibilities are endless.

The William Sonoma Slow Cooker Cookbook that I got as a wedding gift has some of the best burrito filling recipes I have ever tried.  Normally I only one recipe out of this cookbook and it is for the Chili Verde.  The Chili Verde is a fabulous recipe and it is one of my top five burrito fillings.  However, because I have used this Chili Verde recipe before I could not use it for The Challenge.  
We used Chicken. Shh!

Turkey Breast in Mole looked delicious and Mole is not something I make, mostly because it is supposed to take hours.  Slow Cooker takes hours to cook, so it seemed like a perfect match to create a Mole with in.  I feel like crockpots are perfect for the weekends. It allows me to make something hearty and filling without having to spend a huge amount of time fussing over prep work and dishes.
Roma tomatoes from the garden.

Using fresh tomatoes and peppers from my garden made my kitchen smell like salsa. I love salsa.  I also love chocolate, but have never had the ingenuity to combine the two together.  I am pretty sure that a mole is where you take all your favorite ingredients and combine them together into something that defies explanation.

We substituted an onion for a poblano. 
The assembly of everything was not difficult in the slightest, but it did take more dishes than anticipated. Once all the sauce ingredients were sautéed, they then went into a food processor.  My food processor is a jerk, and has a million pieces to it, and if all the pieces aren't put together, then it won't work.  It easily fills the top rack of the dishwasher.   Despite the jerk ways of my food processor, the mole sauce smelled and looked delicious.

This was awesome. 
Tossing everything into the crockpot, I turned it on and tried to forget about it for 5 hours.  It was not easy to forget about the mole, since it was incredibly aromatic. It was spicy and sweet, with a salty tang in the air. It was a beautiful smell.

Shredding the meat into the sauce made me think of everything a enchilada could be if it tried really hard.  If you flip a few pages in the William Sonoma Slow Cooker Cookbook, they had the same idea with using this Turkey Breast In Mole as a filling for enchiladas. I was incredibly pleased with this recipe and will be using is again in the future.

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