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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sweet Sweet Nuts

I will admit that I have a sweet tooth. It is one of the reasons that I have a fair number of dessert cookbooks. Like many people I know, there was a barbecue that I was invited to attend over the Labor Day holiday. One of my esteemed co workers was  hosting and I was pretty excited to attend. Good educate demanded that I should contribute to the feast.  I needed something easy to transport and that wasn't missing a slice out of it. The pie I had made the day before was out of the question, despite how awesome it looked with the ninja battle on the crust, it was no match for the fork and knife battle. 

 Flipping through the You Deserve Dessert cookbook by The Cooking Club of America I settled on something that I knew I could handle making and would not get disgusting if it sat out for hours, or would crumble if I hit a bump to hard on the way there. Sugared Pecans  seemed like the best option.  I had pecans in the freezer and cinnamon and sugar didn't sound too dangerous.  It was probably about as dangerous as getting lost in the driveway. 

Truth be told there is some danger in melting the sugar and cinnamon together on the stove until all the sugar has liquified, however the real danger is not in sugary molten goodness, but in the end product.   Dividing the nuts between home and the barbecue it quickly became apparent that the pecans were pleasing to the palate. It was really easy to try just one or two and then go back for one or two more.   

I have a couple of books from the Cooking Club of America that I had some what been gifted. It was one of those gifts that you either pick something out or your get the entire collection. I did not need the entire collection, nor did I have room for it. I have four Cooking Club of America cookbooks, and sometimes that seems like too many.  Being well acquainted with Taste of Home cook books, the Cooking Club of America cookbooks have the same sort of feel to them. They are all member submissions and all of the recipes ranges from medium to easy cooking skill.  I almost feel like I cheated by using this recipe, because it was so simple, that if I actually thought about how to make Sugared Pecans, I  wouldn't have needed a recipe in the first place. I would not be surprised if I see the same recipes and possibly the same contributors in both of the publications. 

Challenge: 10 of 60 completed!

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