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Sunday, March 1, 2020

February Movie List

It is weird keeping track of all the movies that I watch in a month. Especially since I have the attention span of a gnat. I am hoping that by the end of the year when I look at all the movies I have watched I can identify a couple of trends in my husbands viewing pleasure and therefore able to better predict movies he would be interested in as future gifts.  That is the hope.  

February Movie List
  1. Come Drink with Me
  2. City Hunter
  3. The Magnificent Butcher
  4. Crank 2
  5. The Tingler
  6. The Devil’s Nightmare
  7. The Strange Door
  8. Yo-Yo Girl Cop
  9. Tears of the Black Tiger
  10. Doctor Bloods Coffin
  11. The Abominable Dr. Phibes
  12. Knives Out

While February was less intense in volume, the variety was up kept.  Other than Knives Out (which was a birthday gift and I loved it when I saw it in the theater), my favorite movie was The Abominable Dr. Phibes.  My husband discovered this movie based on a tour of Silver Screen monsters we did on our anniversary in Connecticut. It is one of the strangest Vincent Price movies I have ever seen. 

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