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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Satellite Girl and Milk Cow

Satellite Girl and Milk Cow

I need someone to watch Satellite Girl and Milk Cow.  I have some ideas about the metaphors in the movie that I want to bounce off of someone other than my husband.  If you haven’t seen the movie, then you might want to stop reading now, because it is going to be a little confusing.

Here are a couple of the idea’s that I have about the characters and what they represent. 

  1. People turn into animals that represent their greatest characteristic
  2. Ko turns into a Milk Cow because he is cowardly about his feelings and his actions in life.  Milk Cows aren’t especially brave or adventurous and run away from danger, much like Ko.
  3. Witch of the North turned into a Boar, because while she is a boring individual with crass and crude mannerisms. 
  4. Merlin is a roll of toilet paper, because even wise men have to deal with shit. 
  5. Osajang  (Hunter) steals peoples livers, because there is always someone that takes advantage of other people for their own gain, and often times that sort of thing impacts the victim like a removal of a vital organ.

I have a half baked idea about the Furnace, but not quite sure how I want to word it.  When I have it all worked out in my head, I’ll come back and update this post.  Until then, what do you think the Furnace represents?  Or do you think that I am just overthinking it?

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