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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Taste of Nostalgia

A trip to southern California is almost always tinged with nostalgia. I have a lot of family that lives out there and I spent my early years basking in its sunshine. When ever I am out there, I have a bucket list of things that I want to do.  It isn't a long list.  In fact it only consists of three items.

Teresa's California List
1. See Family
2. Eat at IN-N-OUT Burger
3. Do Tourist stuff

Jon and I just came back from our honeymoon in San Diego.  (Okay, it is really our 7th anniversary, but honeymoon sounds way more romantic.) One of the perks of being in San Diego, is that I was able to check off item #1 on my list rather quickly.  I able to to see family that I had not seen in little over a decade and catch up. It was pretty wonderful.  Jon is still imitating the youngest member's enthusiasm for painting rocks.

Checking off #2 on the list was not as easy.  Jon did not grow up with IN-N-OUT Burger.  There was an IN-N-OUT Burger less than a mile from our hotel. (I  solemnly swear I did not pick the hotel based off the proximity to my only fast food luxury, it was coincidence) The love for IN-N-OUT Burger does not run through my husbands veins. He does not know it is the best thing a person could eat when they get off of a flight.  In fact he was a skeptic on how much there is to appreciate in an IN-N-OUT Burger, until we went to get one.

The drive thru stretched onto the road, blocking half the parking lot as the smell of grilled meat permeated the air.  The parking was a precarious matter. Many swear words were uttered as the  rental car slide into a spot that defied logic.  Jon voiced his doubts on if this pilgrimage was even necessary. A hamburger is just a hamburger, and after all we had a 5 Guys at home, if I wanted a a greasy slab of regret served with a basket of julienned spuds, I could do so without the hassle.  Still I persevered and in short order we were in the glistening clean red and white tiled establishment ordering a double of California pride and joy.

The moment of truth arrived.  A double double with fries to go.  My husband with his first bite, proclaimed that his life was changed.

 He definitely said those words, but they were not even close to being sincere. By the end of the burger and fries, Jon had to admit it was a delicious and satisfying.  Maybe IN-N-OUT Burger is a native thing, but it doesn't matter. It is still a good burger. 

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