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Friday, August 17, 2018

Book of Teeth

Pisces Framed. 
Welcome to another episode of "Teresa is terrible at writing Etsy Reviews in a Timely Fashion".  I discovered this shop  through my other addiction, Kickstarter and it grew.  The shop/ artist I am talking about is Cody Vrosh. 

I first discovered him on Kickstarter when he was working on a Zodiac calendar and was offering prints of his work for backers. That might be the first selfish thing I ever supported on Kickstarter.  I debated for two days on getting the Pisces or the Aquarius for my best friend.  The voice in my head that is my husband prevailed and I ended up with Pisces for myself and promptly framed it when it arrived. 

Then came the Book of Teeth. I started stalking the artist through Twitter and then realized I could view the creations being created for the Book of Teeth on Instagram and follow the artist. I of course Kickstarted it and danced around like a lunatic when the book finally arrived.  I received to prints (not pictured) with the Book of Teeth of the smiling creatures of my choosing and it has been struggle on if I frame them and gift them or frame them and keep them.  It was been a joy to follow the artist, but it also made me aware of the Etsys page that Cody Vrosh has.  My wallet is beginning to feel some pain, but the happiness it brings is worth it. 

Reviewing the Etsy page brought additional surprises, in the form of jewelry.  I love unique jewelry. It make me happy and it is great way to self express. When I saw several pendants with Cody's art on it in his shop, I was in a quandary. Which one?  After much debating and perhaps I coin toss I was able to choose a pendant. It was exactly as I expected.  The pendant does come with a chain, but not a great chain. I swapped the change out (not pictured) to something else I previously had, so that it would hang  where I preferred on my neck. The pendant is detailed, light weight and perfect for the rest of my octopus life.  I have seriously been debating on getting a second piece just because it is a unique statement piece and easy to slip on and go. 

Around Christmas, I annually hold a White Elephant Party, and the fun part is seeing the diverse gifts that everyone brings. I had purchased a print for the White Elephant party that I thought would spark the interest of several of my friends.  It involved cats and reading. A perfect combination. I decided to frame the print and paint a mat to match.  That was a terrible idea. Once I had it all put together, I no longer wanted to give it away. Instead I ended up re arranging the art on my wall and giving it a home.  The moral of the story is that you should check out this artist on which ever social media is your preferred platform, or peruse his Etsy page. I think that the art is imaginative, energetic with a touch a bio mechanical with being dreary.

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