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Friday, August 5, 2016

My Cat is 33

Dib Age 4
August is full of birthdays for me.  One of my favorite birthdays is August is Dib Cats birthday. (Sorry Mom, but on the bright side I didn't forget your birthday.) I know I sound like a crazy cat person,  but I don't care.

 Dib cat is awesome and brings joy to everyone he meets. My husband and I were celebrating Dibs birthday with beef and gravy tinned cat food.  Let me clarify, we weren't the ones eating the food, Dib and his brother Iggins were enjoying the birthday treats, but it got my husband and I chatting on how old Dib would be in human years. 
Dib Age 15
The popular belief is that to calculate a dogs age in human years, you multiply it by seven, but I will admit that I had no idea on what the cat conversion would be. This is where I turn to the all might Internet to find the conversion.  The Internet didn't fail me exactly. It just gave me several possibilities and no real answers.

According to Dib is a healthy 33.
According to  Dib is a robust 35. (This might be the best calculator, because it will also tell me how old I am in in cat years.)
According to Dib is a wizened 36.

My husband insists that Dib is a young lad in his twenties and is still full of life.  I don't think being in your mid thirties (possibly) means that you are no longer full of life, it just means you have a better handle one what you want out of life.   I think that Dib definitely has a handle on what he wants out of life. 
Dib Age 33

I am pretty sure that he wants corn chips, ice cream and a comfortable spot on the couch to lay on as he watched television.  If you think I am lying about the corn chips, just try to open a bag covertly. He has a sixth sense for them. It makes eating chips and salsa a cat adventure.   Happy Birthday to one of the coolest and weirdest cats I have ever had the pleasure of being in the company of.  May all your days be full of open windows and tasty treats.  

"When my cats aren't happy, I'm not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they're just sitting there thinking up ways to get even." Percy Bysshe Shelley

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