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Friday, January 15, 2016

2015 Boiled Down

I love lists.  I love the feeling of being organized and having a clear direction that a list gives me. I wanted to create a list of 15 things to describe 2015. It sounds like a simple thing, but the more that I thought about it, the more daunting the task became.   How does a person describe the glowing bits of happiness with the dark bits of sadness in just a few words? The idea of creating a list was slowly becoming a new year’s resolution. Something that I said I would do, and in my mind I would do, but in reality I would maybe not quite do completely.  
I dislike the term, resolutions.  It makes me feel broken and that something needs fixed. I prefer the word challenges, because it makes me feel like it is something that I can overcome and grow from. With that in mind, I challenged myself to come up with some words that described my 2015 and reflect upon the crunchy bits, to learn from them and help challenge myself to make the most of my 2015 and hope to challenge myself to find ways to enliven my 2016.

  1. Welcome to Nightvale
  2. Homemade wine
  3. Pishing
  4. Cherries
  5. Bacon Jam
  6.  Zumba
  7.  Comics
  8.  Museums
  9.  Thrift Stores
  10. Fabric
  11. Board Games
  12.  Post Cards
  13.  Sunblock
  14. MST3K
  15. Cats
I know that with the word, I didn't put things like Family, or Friends or Love, because it is my belief that all of those things are involved with my core essentials, it is just a way they were manifested in 2015.  I can only anticipate what 2016 will bring.

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