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Wednesday, November 18, 2015



I am a nice and normal person. Or at least I think I am, but every now and then my brain takes a turn and goes down an alley and I have no idea why.   Some people call it a squirrel moments, because they could be normally doing something and BAM! Oh Look ! A  Squirrel! They are utterly distracted and there isn't any particular trigger.


I have what I am going to call Goat Moments. It is where I can be carrying on a perfectly normal conversation and then all of a sudden a word is going to strike me as funny. Not funny Uh-Oh, but funny Ha-Ha!  This past weekend that word was Goats and I have no idea.  I was puttering around killing time before meeting some friends for lunch/afternoon beers, and I left my coffee cup by the goats and that is all it took/  For some reason the word goats and the way it rolls off of my tongue stuck me as funny.  Funny like it was the best joke I had ever heard.


Funny in a way that I am saying the word goats over and over again in a sing song manner and can't stop laughing at how the word feels as it is uttered. My husband just rolled his eyes as I gasped for air as we left to get beers/ lunch.    Even as I am typing this out, I am saying goats to myself and snickering. It is still funny and it has been a few days since the first goat threw me into a giggling fit.  I have no idea why I find humor in this.  And that is what a Goat Moment is. It is something that is unexplainably funny that comes out of the blue. Maybe some day I will have a better explanation, but that is all I have now. I have goats.


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