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Sunday, January 4, 2015

CSA: Week 5- More Turnips

Risky Glamour Shot of a Turnip. 
I thought that I understood the turnip.  Thought is the key word.  I discovered something interesting about the turnip and it just boggles the mind.  In case you have not guessed, I ended up with turnips again in this weeks CSA box.  There were other things, such as broccoli, Granny Smith Apples, Butternut Squash and a head of cabbage, but it is the turnips that still seem to strike a little bit of fear in my heart.

I tried to replicate the recipe that I had used the last time. The first step is to microwave the turnips for a couple of minutes an then peal them. It sounded pretty simple, but I think that I microwaved the turnips too long, because it did not feel right when it came out of the microwave.  With out looking up the genetic composition of a turnip, I would have to say that it is a water logged vegetable, because it felt a bit squishy when it came out of the microwave.

It would seem that with all things squishy, I can't help but squeeze it. That is when things got interesting with the turnips. When I squeezed the turnip, it sprayed water as if it was a water balloon with a pin prick. The spray of liquid shot forth, and continued as I squeezed the turnip like a squish ball. I don't think that turnips are meant to be used as stress relievers, and I wasn't feeling the slightest bit stressed with a turnip in my hand.  I might has squeezed a turnip to death, because I was fascinated.   The amount of liquid that came out was almost majestic in its oddity. I don't think that this is what I was supposed to do with a turnip and in all fairness to the other turnips  that I microwaved as prep work for dinner, I made a point of dicing them and consuming them, so that they would have an honorable food death.

Next weeks CSA is going to be interesting if there are turnips involved, because I don't know if I can ever take a turnip seriously again.  What sort of vegetable does this after being microwaved? It  is not normal.

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