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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fall CSA: Week Two

Week Two of my CSA is trying to make my brain explode. I had barely finished typing out my thoughts on Week One, when Lizzy popped over with my Week Two box.  She was kind enough to pick up my box when she picked up hers, but had not yet had a chance to look inside. Lifting off the white box lid, I was flabbergasted.   The first things that I saw were giant leaves that looked like they came out of the Jurassic period.  Lizzy helpfully informed me that they were collard greens, as we sifted through the rest of the box.
Week Two: One Spaghetti Squash, Two Heads of Cauliflower,  half dozen apples, a bunch turnips, collard greens

I can tell that  I am not from The South. I have no idea what to do with collard greens, much less how to fix them.  Part of me wants to take the foliage and build a roof to a Tiki hut with them, and hope for warmer weather. I am sure my cats would love to have a little handmade hut for the holidays, which makes me wonder if cats eat Collard Greens.  
Collard Greens is going to take some research to be able to prepare into something that I won’t need liquid courage to try. As if the Collard Greens were not enough of a challenge, I had a passel of turnips.  My only real knowledge of what to do with a turnip has to do with something not so real, which is to say that you leave them out for The Hogfather.  My husband is not enthused about turnips, and I have no practical experience with them. I also don’t think that The Hogfather is going to stop by our house.  This week’s box is going to require research and asking good friends for some advice on what to do with the items in my box. I do know one thing for sure, and it is that this week is going to be interesting. I can only wonder what week three is going to bring. 

“The philosopher Didactylos has summed up an alternative hypothesis as "Things just happen. What the hell".” 
― Terry PratchettHogfather

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