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Friday, May 9, 2014

Hinterkind Vol1: The Waking World

Free Comic Book Day is one of my favorite days out of the year. My local comic shop, Comix Connection goes all out for it. Not only are there free comics, but there are discounts on graphic novels, figurines there is a food drive and there are great discounts on back issues and a whole lot of Storm Troopers wandering around.  It is one of my happy places. This year. I had a wedding of a dear friend on Free Comic Book Day, and there was a hard choice to be had. Do I ditch the wedding, after all what is one less bridesmaid, or do I miss the comic shop and my free comics?

With a lot of prep work on my part the night before, and with the aid of my husband I was able to do both. What is a little less sleep when there are comics free comics on the line? Fuel by a cup of tea and a whole lot of hair spray, we were at Comix Connection early before it turned into a complete mad house or comic mayhem.  I probably had the fanciest hair there while I was picking out my free comics.

Among my acquisitions that day I picked up Hinterkind Vol 1: The Waking World by Ian Edington. The summary on the back of the graphic novel talked about how it was a post apocalyptic world, where all the creatures that are in fairy lore are actually real and are reclaiming the world as their own. After reading the first volume I am hooked, and have started to follow it in single issues.  The creatures of fairy lore are not sweet innocent and forgiving of the years of hiding in the shadows. In fact it seems like most of them have a taste for the flesh of humans and that the human race is not longer the dominate species, because of it.  In fact they are closer to an endangered species.  There are some interesting twists as to what some people will do to survive and the story moves along at a pretty quick pace.

This is not the sort of comic that you would be able to miss an issue and still figure out what is going on in the following issue.  The art and color work well with the writing and it is a joy to look at and adds depth to the  story. I absolutely loved with in the the opening where they were hunting a zebra in an abandoned sky scrapper office that turned into a jungle habitat. It sound convoluted when I describe it, but the concept and execution brings everything together. If you haven't checked it Hinterkind out, do so. It isn't like every other post apocalyptic comic out there, it has some fresh idea's and makes a person go hmm.

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