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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wonder Woman Volume1: Blood

Wonder Woman. Just the name of it makes me think of lassos and golden underwear. I honestly did not have a lot of pre conceived notions as to who I thought Wonder Woman is, other then perhaps a kick butt Amazon with a take charge attitude. I was unexpectedly surprised that I enjoyed the relaunch of Wonder Woman Volume 1: Blood in the DC's New 52.
The story starts out with a bang and continues to deliver with an upper cut of awesomeness that continues through the entire graphic novel. The history of Wonder Woman is executed beautifully, because the reader completely understand why it is relevant to what is happening in the present. In addition the colorful characters of mythology live up to everything you would think they would do, which makes the plot line even more interesting. 

I am very much excited to see what is going to happen next and can't wait to read the next graphic novel in this new series. It is good to see that there is a strong female lead that comes from a very human back ground and is trying to do their best to cope with the uncertainty of the future.  Not only does Wonder Woman sparkle in her own right, they supporting characters have enough substance to them to leave a person intrigued and begging for more. 

If you are looking for something to read, that is as visually pleasing to the eye as it is to the mind, try Wonder Woman, it is more then just another pretty face with anger issues. 

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