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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Random Thoughts

 It has been a while since I last wrote anything.  Most of the time the words won’t come out of my head or I am distracted by random thoughts.  

One of the most soothing things that I do is sew. My fabric addiction is becoming well known and my Pinterest board of inspiration is a little out of control. Sewing lets me think and not think at the same time. 

Here are some of the random thoughts that have come to pass:

  • The Room of Requirement in Harry Potter is the wizard equivalent of the Holodeck in Star Trek.
  • There should be a pizza donut for people that want something savory as an option in the donut box. 
  • My cats stripper name would be Eviscerator
  • Why don’t more people use the metric system
  • In zombie movies they use wooden planks and plywood boards to block the windows and doors. Is part of being and adult mean keeping extra wood and plywood in the event of a zombie outbreak?

What are some of the random thoughts that you have?