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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Paint Colors

Names of paint colors is weird.  Jon and I were picking a color to repaint our entryway and I have decided there should be rules when picking colors. At the moment I have it boiled down to two rules. 

Rule # 1  Don’t use a paint color named after a food unless you are going to be eating in that room. 

Rule #2  Nautical colors should be used in nautical locations only. 

The thousand of colors to choose from os at best overwhelming. All of the paint names are upbeat or neutral at best. Does the name of the paint color describe who I am as a person?  If so, perhaps I might recommend some of these names to be used for paint colors.

Dismal: This would most likely be a grey or a brown or some weird combo of both.  It would be great to be used in horror movies.  

Institutionalized: I think you can picture this color in your head. It is the color of a faded green, that feels like it is trying too hard to be cheerful and welcoming.  This color would also be great to be used in horror movies. 

Blood of the Enemies: This would be a dark reddish brown.  Perhaps matte would look better than a glossy. This color would also be great to be used in horror movies.  

Maybe there is a slight horror movie theme, but you have to admit it has a bit of charm to it.  In fact I am sure that any one of an Emo or Goth nature would be thrilled to have a Dismal hallway, or a Blood of the Enemies bedroom. 

What are your thoughts?

Monday, February 3, 2020

Marshmallow. Mail

My father cracks me up.  I suddenly feel like I have to up my mail game.

As an early Valentines Day, I received Marshmallows in the mail.

That in itself cracked me up, but to put the icing on the cake was the message on the bag and some interesting graphic design choices. 

I am sure that it was supposed to be an innocent finger pointing sort of thing, sort of saying “You got this” or “Shoot”, but in my brain it looked totally like something else.  Something that would give you the munchies and relax you if you took a couple of hits.   

Dad is totally made check mate in one move. I totally need to up my mail game.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

January Movie List

My husband has a love for movies.  I don’t exactly share that love, but occasionally I will indulge.  I have made a list of every movie we have watched in January, in the attempt to find a theme.

January Movie List

  1. Murder Party
  2. Hard Boiled
  3. Black Sheep
  4. Missing In Action
  5. Rock N Roll High School
  6. Waxworks
  7. Storm Riders
  8. The Great Yokai War
  9. Deathgasim
  10. Saturday the 14th
  11. Frankensteins Created Woman
  12. Club Dread
  13. The Day of the Triffids
  14. Land of the Minotaur
  15. The Chivalry,  The Gunman and Killer
  16. Nino Kuri 
  17. The Delightful Forest
  18. Planet of the Vampires
  19. Jackie Chan’s First Strike
  20. Drunken Dragon

I feel like I may have used the word indulge a little liberally. However looking for a theme for the January movie collection is a little strained.  I feel like it is even harder to find some one that has watched all of these movies.  If this was a points system and each movie was worth 5 points, what would be your score?