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Friday, October 14, 2016

Not Creepy

A few weeks ago a friend of mine remarked that I have an "old creepy house".  I tend to disagree. I have an old house. Anything built in 1923 and is still functioning definitively falls into the category of old. I disagree with the adjective of creepy being used to describe my home.   To disprove my friend on the adjective of creepy, I snapped a few pictures of my charming abode. 

The snap shots did me no favors in proving my point.  I would like to blame it on the Halloween decoration, but ultimate I think it is because I had it set to black and white mode that made it look more sinister than it really is.  This leads me to believe that things tend to me much creepier without color.  

To test my theory, I flipped a couple of pictures from my recent weekend in Colonial Williamsburg to see if it would bring them to a sinister light.  Any one who has been to Colonial Williamsburg knows that it is probably one of the most historically charming places to visit, complete with horse drawn carriages and people in period costume. It amuses me how easy it is to turn a charming garden pathway into a murder alley, or a tour guide into  someone looking a little unhinged that you might find in that murder alley. 

My conclusion is that my house is not creepy, unless you have a creepy filter and that it is all about the approach.