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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My Favorite Haunting

As we all know, there are many different categories of hauntings.  There are the ones that make you question your sanity. The sort of movement that you see in your peripheral vision, that make you wonder if you really saw something. There are the moments where a door shuts suddenly with no one near it and everyone gives a small chuckle about "the wind".   There are other types of hauntings where you can't stop thinking about a moment in time. It lingers on your mind and keeps you from focusing.  The event replay over and over again, like a scratchy record of days gone by.  Some could say that a person is "haunted by a memory". 

I have recently encountered a new type of haunting.   And it is my favorite type of haunting to date.
I was gifted a house ghost.



I was a gifted a haunting of Loyal Rex (the fish).  He died from eating something bad.  (Not surprising for a fish!)  He resides in the floor boards in the kitchen, and you know he is there by his glowing orbs.   I feel like this is a haunting I can stand behind, or at least next to.  It seems like my cats would also enjoy this sort of haunting, since they frequently lounge in the kitchen.  This might be the best house ghost I have ever had!

If you are interested in your own haunting, or perhaps gifting a friend with a house ghost, check out Pam Wishbow on Etsy.  It is a delightful gift that is sure to make some one smile. It certainly made me smile. 

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